The Department of methodical support of the activities of club organizations and non-professional (amateur) creativity
The aim of the department is to provide methodological support for the activities of club organizations and methodological centers of folk art (cultural and educational work) and conduct analytical and research work in the field of culture.
The main goals of the department:
- increasing the level of providing methodological assistance to clubs of cultural activities, participating in the development of state and other programs aimed at preserving, developing, disseminating and (or) popularizing culture;
- improving the content and organization of cultural recreation (leisure) of the people, increasing its social significance, searching for and introducing new, effective forms and methods of working with the people;
- research, study and fixing of local samples of traditional art and folklore of regions;
- development of organizational, methodological and repertoire materials on organization and holding of cultural events, organization of activities of club formations, preservation, dissemination and (or) popularization of local samples of traditional art and folklore of regions;
- studying and analyzing the activities of clubs to develop new spheres of their activities, as well as folk art;
- studying and introducing the best work experience of cultural organizations in practice of clubs;
- formation of a reference and information fund for methodological materials, scenario development of clubs;
- the systematization of information about non-professional (amateur) groups of artistic creativity, masters of folk handicrafts and elements of folk art;
- organization of conferences, seminars and other events on the problems of preservation and development of traditional culture and amateur creativity;
- working out of manuals, collections, program projects, booklets. related to the main activities of the department;
- international cooperation in order to attach citizens living in the Republic of Belarus to the values of world culture and the integration of the Belarusian national culture into world culture and the world information space.