About the department

Department of work with national-cultural public associations and public associations of Belarusians abroad


The department works in two directions: working with national-cultural public associations and working with public associations of Belarusians abroad. The department includes a library.



The main goals of the department are:


– realization of international cultural and educational cooperation of the Center;


– the analysis of the activities of national-cultural public associations and public associations of Belarusians abroad on the preservation and continuity of their cultural heritage, the condition of amateur creativity and the identification of mechanisms for their support and development;


– formation of a reference and information fund on the activities of national-cultural public associations and public associations of Belarusians abroad;


– assistance in the organization, coordination and methodical, information, consultative support of cultural activities of national-cultural public associations in the Republic of Belarus and public associations of Belarusians abroad;


– popularization of creativity, development and strengthening of national self-awareness of the national-cultural public associations in the Republic of Belarus;


– providing practical assistance and support to public associations of Belarusians from abroad in preserving the national and cultural identity;


– formation of the library fund taking into account the activities of the Center;


– provision of library services for users, including users of national-cultural public associations and public associations of Belarusians abroad;